• Address: Szczecin

The first bridge crossing in the place where the Long Bridge is today was built in 1283. It was built to replace the ferry. Several wooden structures were built over the centuries. According to sources, each of them was equipped with a culvert for ships. The last wooden crossing was pulled down in 1900. The construction of the new bridge took three years.

The modern crossing was put into use on May 8, 1903, it was called the Hansa Bridge. The steel structure was designed as a drawbridge. Therefore, the tram line number 1, launched in 1903, on the bridge section was not electrified. The tram was making its way through its momentum. This inconvenience was removed only in 1929.

The retreating troops of the Wehrmacht blew up the bridge on April 20, 1945. Two years later, a wooden footbridge was built on the surviving pillars to make it easier for the inhabitants to get to the other shore. It was not until 1959 that the bridge was rebuilt according to a design by Henryk Żółtawski. It was then given its current name - Long Bridge. While rebuilding the bridge, the span could be lifted. It was welded only during the renovation, which took place in 2000.

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