• Address: Goleniów

The Goleniów Forest is an area protected under Natura 2000 programme, which covers an area of 25039 ha, situated within a large forest complex of the same name.

The Goleniów Forest protected under the aforesaid programme includes forest areas subject to human impact, but still representing very high natural value due to, among others, the good condition of their trees. The prevailing species in this part of the Goleniów Forest is pine, but there are also remnants of deciduous forests (mainly, beech and oak forests).

The protection of the area under the Natura 2000 programme is aimed mainly at bird refugia in which 36 bird species listed in Appendix I of the Bird Directive and 17 species from the Polish Red Book live. The refugia of white-tailed eagles are worth particular attention. Other species present in the area include black kite, red kite and bluethroat – they are all protected species.


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