The construction of the waterfront chapel was initiated by parish priest Gotthard Ludwig Kosegarten. In 1806, construction of the chapel began according to the plans of Pomeranian builder Rühs. Due to the Napoleonic wars, construction work was interrupted, and the waterfront chapel was not completed and consecrated until 1816. The chapel has a simple octagonal structure. A vestibule with vestry was added as early as 1852. The chancel altar, maintained in Romanesque and eclectic forms, did not enter the chapel until 1882. Above the altar is a copy of Philipp Otto Runge's painting "Drowning Peter" (Matthew 14:22-33) by painter Erich Kliefert (1777-1818). The painting was commissioned by Kosegarten in 1805 as an altar painting for his former pupils from Wolgaster. In 1990, the painting "People in the Storm" was executed by Italian artist Gabriele Mucchi (1899-2002), one of the most prominent representatives of Italian realism. Just a 10-minute walk away, ecumenical waterfront services are held every last Sunday of the month at 3pm.

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