The castle tower in Golczewo is a remnant of the castle of the bishops of Kamień. The castle was built in the years 1302 - 1317. In 1304, with the consent of the prince of Szczecin, it was sold to the bishops of Kamień. The castle was temporarily used by the Chapter, later it came under the rule of the Flemming family, which in 1406 sold it to prince Bogusław VIII. In 1436, the castle came under the rule of the Chapter again, which lasted until 1534, when Golczewo became the prince's property. After 1684, when the Griffin dynasty ruling in Pomerania expired and the entire principality was incorporated into Brandenburg, the castle was abandoned and fell into ruin ever since.

In 1895 and 1929, the castle tower was renovated and its finial was reconstructed, thanks to which this part of the castle has survived to this day. Originally, the 24-meter-high tower after reconstruction reached a height of 33 meters and is now the highest in Pomerania. Previously, the castle still consisted of a residential building in the south by the tower, which was not connected to it, and a gatehouse in the north. The whole was surrounded by a perimeter wall connected with the tower, a stone fragment of which can still be seen at the northern part of the hill. The entrance to the tower was 6 meters above the courtyard and led from the porch at the perimeter wall. The tower had 6 floors, including a prison dungeon, to which there was an opening for draining prisoners and food. Access to the upper floors was via a ladder. In the ground floor, the tower was quadrangular, built of stone boulders, and above it was round, made of brick.

Currently, the area of the Castle Hill, owned by the Golczewo Commune, has been developed, has undergone renovation and has become an attractive tourist destination, and the castle tower has been made available to visitors. The building is entered in the register of monuments.

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