The chapel was erected in the second half of the 15th century along with the St Gertrude hospital. The chapel was surrounded by a cemetery. In the 16th century, the building was taken over by a Lutheran community. It was renovated in the years 1775-76, 1853-58, and 1912. Since the beginning of the 20th century till 1945, it served as a funeral chapel. In 1933, the bodies of two Lithuanian aviators, Darius and Girenas, who died in a plane crash in Pszczelnik, were placed in the chapel. After the Second World War, the furnishings of the chapel were robbed. Since 1969, the chapel have served as an exhibition room, and since 1977 it has been a seat of artistic studio. Nowadays, it is the Artistic Education Centre.

The chapel is a single-aisle, oriented, Gothic building. Its lower part is built of stone, the upper – of brick. What is especially noteworthy is a lanceted portal with a profiled zigzag roller in the western wall of the chapel. This is a very rarely seen architectural element in West Pomerania. Apart from Myślibórz, such portals can be found in the St Mary collegiate church in Stargard and in the Town Hall in Chojna. Another interesting element is a cross-ribbed vault, which was leaned on buttresses decorated with geometrical motives and mascarons. On one of buttresses, a mark, which is a signature of a builder, has survived. The chapel is covered by a ceramic pitched roof.

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