• Address: Szczecin

The image of the Old Town today is definitely different from the layout that took place before World War II. First of all, Szczecin has been "moved away" from the river, and many valuable buildings have not been rebuilt. To a large extent, the current condition is due to the first Polish president of the city, Piotr Zaremba, who was an opponent of the reconstruction of the Old Town. It was under his management that it was decided to abandon the plans to rebuild the Municipal Theater or build an artery that would cut off the city buildings from the boulevards.

To this day, only an outline of the old street layout has remained, some parts of the old town have been erected with residential buildings from the so-called big plate. Most of the historic buildings that are part of the old town have survived in the vicinity of Orła Białego Square, Tkacka, Grodzka and Staromłyńska Streets.

Today, the Old Town estate is located between Kapitańska Street, Malczewskiego Street, Matejki Street, the Prussian Homage Square, Żołnierza Square, Niepodległości Street and Dworcowa Street. In its area - despite the disturbance of the system after World War II - we can find many interesting and important monuments. incl. Post office No. 2, Church of St. John the Evangelist, which is the oldest church in Szczecin, the Old Town Hall on the former Sienna Square, the Pomeranian Dukes' Castle, which was rebuilt after 1945, the Maiden Tower - one that has remained from the numerous towers and strongholds that once surrounded the city, the Royal Gate - one of the two preserved city gates, the Palace under the Globe, which is associated with Tsarina Catherine II, and the Cathedral Basilica of St. James.

The Old Town in Szczecin was entered on the provincial list of monuments in November 1952.

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