• Address: Łobez

Originally, Świętoborzec was a separate settlement, which was not incorporated into Łobez until the famous stud farm was established. Then, it was made a suburban district of the town. 

In Łobez, along with the development of craft, the horse trade started to spread during the 17th century. The descriptions of the town mentions breeding heavy draft horses already in the 18th century. Subsequently, in the 19th century, there were attempts at breeding a half-bred horse. 

In the 1880s, the most important event connected with the development of horse breeding in this region occurred – a stud farm was set up in Świętoborzec. In 1876, a herd of stallions was established – its official name was the Pomeranian Stud Farm in Łobez. The aim of the farm was to rebuild a breeding system and increase the number of horses for farming and military purposes after the recently ended war with France. 

The construction of the complex was started with erecting stables and administration buildings; a manor for a director of the farm, which survived with other buildings up to this day, was built at the end. 

At the beginning of the 20th century, the farm possessed more than 200 horses. In 1945, when the Second World War was to be over, there was a danger of horse theft by the Soviet army. It was decided to evacuate the entire farm, but the evacuation was not carried out effectively, and eventually 350 horses was stole by the Soviet army. Restoring the breeding farm exceeded all expectations, because, from less than 50 studs, the number of stallions increased up to 300 in less than 11 years! Breeding and trading horses developed resiliently till the 1990s. Equine competitions, horse races, and team driving contests were organized. The company began to decline financially, transforming itself in new companies up to 2004. Then, the herd virtually ceased to exist, and the activity of the stud farm was suspended. In 2009, a private investor started a process of restoring the original character of the place. 

Currently, the historic stud farm complex includes a stable, an administration building, a residential building, a forge, and a manege – all coming from the second half of the 19th century. The complex is surrounded by a beautiful, historic park. An additional attraction is the already mentioned mansion of an administrator of the farm. 

The complex of buildings was built on a quadrilateral plan. From the east, the stable is adjacent to residential buildings and outbuildings where workers lived. Next to them, there is a fragment of open space, called an entrance square because of a main entrance gate located there. In the southern part of the complex, an open manege and training fields are located, while from the west, the complex borders on a forest. In the northern part, there is a beautiful mansion of the administrator, behind which a beautiful historic park is located.

Buildings are made of red brick, which gives them a unique appearance and places them among historic buildings of particular architectural values. Their form and appearance is classic, characteristic of their age, location, and purpose. 

The historic park is not only a part of the complex. Due to the park, the landscape, rich in architectural beauty, is complemented with natural values. 

The park itself was established at the same time as the first buildings – the stable and the residential part – in the 1880s. A fragment of a forest was adapted as a part of the park, and some tree specimens can be older than the buildings – they may be even 200-300 years old. The park has a forest character; there are no marked paths, alley, or other architecture typical of parks. Nevertheless, the park was eagerly visited by guests and workers of the stud farm in the years of the farm’s splendour. 

Currently, the complex is partially renovated. A restaurant is being built, and further plans include creating a hotel with about 80 rooms and conferences rooms as well as renovating the mansion, which is intended to serve as a representative building. Moreover, a revitalization of greenery in the park is planned along with the construction of small infrastructure. 

In Świętoborzec, the famous Horseback Trail of Drawsko Lakeland starts. Its total length is more than 180 km. The trail includes all the most important horse centres of the Drawsko Landscape Park.

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