• Address: 17, 78-300 Sława

The St Mary of the Rosary church in Sława is a branch church of the parish of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in Cieszeniewo. The church was built in the 18th century in place where most likely a previous church used to be located. The church, with a half-timbered structure filled with bricks, was erected on stone foundations with a brick cornice. It is a hall church built on a rectangular plan with a presbytery ended three-sidedly. A sacristy is directly adjacent to the presbytery. The church has a tiled five-hipped roof dominated by a church tower topped with a low octagonal roof lantern. Windows are rectangular. Inside the church, there is a wooden internal gallery which can be accessed by also wooden steps. The preserved church’s furnishings include a baroque high altar from 1770, a bas-relief of “The Last Supper” in the predella, a bas-relief of “The Prayer in the Garden” in the retable. On side axes, there are statues of Christ and Moses. In the church, there are also a wooden pulpit from the 19th century, a stoup from the 19th century, an Art Nouveau candlestick, and an 18th-century internal gallery, partially completed in the 19th century. What is also noteworthy is a gallery for the church’ patrons, having the same balustrade like the internal gallery. The church is surrounded by a high stone wall. 

Masses’ schedule: Sun: 8.30 am.

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