The diocesan Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sorrows in Skrzatusz, known as the Czestochowa of the North, was for centuries a mainstay of Catholicism, a place famous for miraculous healings.

In 1575, during the Reformation, a statue of Our Lady of Sorrows was brought to Skrzatusz from Mielęcin. Since then, Skrzatus has become known for miracles and graces granted through the intercession of the Skrzatus Lady.

John III Sobieski, in gratitude for the fulfillment of his request for victory over the Turks, sent generous gifts here, and Wojciech Konstanty Breza, starosta of Nowy Dwor, built a magnificent temple. The Baroque church, which still exists today, was built in 1687-1694, and was prayed in by King Stanislaw Leszczynski, Cardinal Pacceli, later Pius XII, and Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, later John Paul ll.

The temple is richly decorated in Baroque style - the main altar dates back to the end of the 17th century. The walls of the presbytery display frescoes from 1698, depicting the history of the sanctuary. The pulpit and baptismal font are from the late 17th century, the richly decorated side altars were made at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. The first organ also dates from the turn of the 17th century, while the second, larger one was made in 1876.

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