Throughout the ages, the church changed its appearance several times. What was only left from the mediaeval church is a brick tower from the 15th century. The church’s nave had been a half-timbered structure till 1915, when it was rebuilt in a former shape. Currently, it is a single-nave brick building. The tower, built on a plan of an irregular quadrangle, is located from the west. The tower has stone foundations and a hipped roof. There is a sacristy and a small religious education room on the northern part of the church. Above the sacristy, there is a chimney, formerly used when the religious education room, where children used to learn, was heated. From the west, there are four rectangular windows and a circular window opening above a currently bricked up additional doors leading to the church. The church has a decorative internal gallery from the mid-17th century, where the pipe organ of the master Voelkner are located. Unfortunately, the pipe organ is not used any more. It would be worth having it renovated, so that it could be heard again in the church. The wooden pillars supporting the internal gallery are curiously bent.

There are interesting elements of Renaissance furnishings preserved in the church, including a high altar depicting crucified Christ, a pulpit with a dove curiously suspended under the crown, and a baptismal font. All these items have been recently renovated and naturally catches the eye of the visitors. Another eye-catching element is a bas-relief “Christ and the Reaper” by a known German artist – Wilhelm Gross, located above the entrance to the sacristy. The bas-relief, dating back to the 1930s and presenting Christ blessing reapers, was founded by the Wally family from Boleszewo. While visiting the church, it is impossible not to take a seat on pews coming from the 1920s.  In order to access them, one has to open little door.

The churchyard is well maintained. A Marian chapel is located there. There used to be a cemetery, whose only remnant is a fragment of a tombstone from 1908, located by the nave of the church. The churchyard is surrounded by a stylish wrought-iron fence. There is a car park in front of the church. The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus church is a branch church belonging to the parish of Słowino and to the deanery of Darłowo. In front of the church, there is “Skarby Ziemi Sławieńskiej” [the Treasures of the Sławno Region] panel informing about the history and the historic items of the church.

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