• Address: Gdańska/Maszewska, 73-110 Stargard

Lorentz Mader’s Conciliation Cross is the only monument of this type preserved in Stargard. It is the biggest in Poland, and the second biggest in the world. In 1542 it was financed by  Lorentz Mader, as his compensation for killing Hans Billeke. The monument is carved in Gotland limestone and it has a shape of a Christian cross. It is 3,77 m-high (0,9 m of which is hidden in the ground), 1,45 m-wide and 0,15 m-thick. In the front, there is a figure of  crucified Jesus Christ and the inscription in Low German dialect which says “Lord, have your mercy upon Hans Billeke in 1542", on the back, there is an inscription which says: "In 1542 Hans Billeke was killed with an iron rod by Lorentz Mader, his mother’s nephew".

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